Friday, December 2, 2011

My Open Letter In Support of Chelsea Settles


So, yesterday I spent my night video chatting Whitney as we do often when we're bored. And while video chatting we usually search for the BEST things on YouTube (As of lately Sophia Grace has been winning). While searching, I ran into what I will call a "interesting" video of someone claiming to review MTV's show, "Chelsea Settles." Watching this video MADE ME CRINGE! It pissed me off SO bad that I wrote the individual a message on twitter. In the video she states that she only watched part of the first episode. So my tweet to her simply said, "I just watched your youtube video on #ChelseaSettles... Now than the show is coming to an end, has you opinion changed?" Well Miss Lady (Who I will not name since our blog gets more hits in a day than her videos get in a year), responded to me this morning with this, "I'll do a update!! I stayed true to my word :) I haven't watched it since. I do a complete explanation. I've seen interviews tho". Now let me preface this letter by saying, I was going to respond to her on twitter but what I have to say would not fit.

I am a HUGE supporter of the show and Chelsea herself. First, Let me tell you why I support the show. As a black, plus size, 20 something woman, it's good to see someone like me on MTV. Watching shows like Real Housewives of Atlanta, both of the Basketball Wives Shows, the Black Dating "Reality" Shows, I find myself complaining AND complaining often. Yelling, and fighting, and belittling each other is the only things that happen on those shows. And though I watch for purely entertainment reasons, I hate the picture the shows paint of black women living in America. I am happy that MTV found a positive show to balance out the foolishness we see on that channel and others. And I am even more happy that they chose Chelsea Settles to do it.

Anybody who follows Chelsea Settles on twitter, can see what an amazing person she is. In the video I watched, Miss Lady tried to say that MTV was talking advantage of someone with Low Self Esteem. Sweetie, what Chelsea did is was commendable. No, I have never hid fast food bags in my car or had to tell the WORLD my weight on TV. But if Chelsea had not shared this with us, she would not be able to help others like her! Chelsea is someone all plus size girls can identify with, maybe not with each thing she says and does but with something. The woman from the YouTube video is also overweight, and Boo, I refuse to believe that you have never been insecure about it or teased because of it or wished you were smaller than you are. THAT's what Chelsea Settles is about, facing those insecurities. Conquering obstacles in her everyday life. If you had watched longer than the first episode you would know that the show is not about weight loss at all. But rather, it's about overcoming things that restrict us,  leaving our comfort zones so that we can progress in life, and trying new things.

If you actually spent time watching how Chelsea was moving instead of criticizing, you would know that some of the things you said in your video, she believes. She doesn't try to push weight loss on people. She tries to make people love the body that they are in. Because she knows if you don't love yourself fat, you will not love yourself skinny! I am sure it was difficult for her to go on TV and open up about her personal struggles. I watch day in and day out as Chelsea comforts, encourages, and uplifts the spirits of 20 something thousand twitter followers. One night, I don't know, at like 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning, a young girl, she couldn't have been more that 14 or 15 wrote Chelsea. The girl explain to Chelsea that she too was over weight and that she was struggling to say focused on her weight loss journey. Chelsea responded to the young girl in a tweet SERIES that took up at least like 7 or 8 tweets. Giving her tips, encouraging her that if she figured out the reasons that the weight gain started, that she would have no problem taking it off. I never told Chelsea, but her patience and understanding with that girl that night brought me to tears (Let Whit tell it, everything makes me cry). I soon realized that this is something Chelsea does on the daily. All MTV did was give Chelsea a platform to do what she has been called to do (cause the work she is doing could only be a gift from God).

Ever since that day, I try to tweet Chelsea as much as possible and tell her how amazing she is because maybe if I tell her how great she is everyday it will out shine the haters like you!


P.S. Do yourself a favor and save your update video. Since you claimed to have never watched the show after the first episode, you have nothing to update about.

P.P.S. And if after this letter you still don't feel compelled to support Chelsea, take a trip back to elementary school and remember if you don't have anything nice to say.... SHUT THE HELL UP!

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